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The Vassal Academy Ch. 08 page 4

"No, take her to the bottom. Like I said, our best chance of success, of changing her, is to get her to see her soul for what it is. I'm considering a hard day, and then a harder day."

"Oh my, she's going to be having a very rough time." Rebecca said smiling. "Stocks or cage?"

"I'm leaning towards cage, but Andre, I want your opinion since I want you to teach her oral arts." Devon turned towards Thomas. "You were coaching her in Oral Arts, and normally, you're a perfect instructor Thomas, however she needs a more elite and disdain that please forgive me, you don't possess."

Thomas actually laughed. "Hell I know that Devon, that's why I'm the basic oral arts teacher. What do you want me to do while she's around, to keep busy?"

"Diane should be about ready for her initial arousal training. Take it gentle with her, and watch Geneva, she'll be in sleep training by then." Devon said.

"Gentle Devon?" Rebecca said.

"Yes. Diane is a wilted wallflower. She's always around the crowd, but always at the very edge, only just close enough to pretend she's part of the crowd. I think if she fails too long, it's going to push her into a shell we'll play hell breaking through. Thomas you're perfect for that task, Rebecca would scare her at this point, and Andre would get great success, but only because of that dazzling smile of his." Devon said. "Not because he was teaching her anything."

"Devon, I'm starting to blush here." Andre said chuckling.

"OK, what about me" Ann asked.

"You dear Ann, are about to be introduced to the subtle intricacies of Ballet." Devon said. "Rebecca will be teaching, while you observe. Then Rebecca, run Jeannette through her advanced paces please. I don't think that Ann knows you were really a ballerina."

"You were?" Ann asked.

"Yes, in Toronto, long ago. I spent roughly three minutes on stage performing live for pay, part of a line of ballerina's who ran across stage at the finale. Twelve years of lessons to find that my career ended after a few seconds a day." Rebecca shrugged. "So I teach grace to the little darlings who think they want to be slaves."

"You don't walk like a Ballerina is what I mean." Ann said. "Sorry, that came out wrong."_

"No it was right. I stride, which we'll teach you to do, stride. A Dominant must move with determination, and with purpose. A submissive moves with grace, and agility."

"And Geneva?" Thomas asked.

"She moved like an elephant with a clubbed foot. My God, Soldiers and their marching. It took me four classes to get her to take anything but a thirty inch step for God's sake." Rebecca moaned in play. "She's starting to glide though Devon, am I good or what?"

"You're the best, always have been." Devon said bowing his head to her.

"I'm also about to get changed, Dominique is on her way by now to get me. We're hitting the town." Rebecca said consulting her watch. "Sheriff, Mr. Robertson, please forgive me, but I do have a social engagement. Ann, you wanted to ask me something earlier as I recall."

Ann looked confused and then remembered the wardrobe. "Yes Rebecca, can I come with you and discuss it upstairs?"

"Certainly, come along let's chat while I get ready to try and attract a man with a large personality." Rebecca said as she left.

"Was that rehearsed?" The Sheriff asked.

"If I said no, would you believe me?" Devon asked.

"Yes, probably." The Sheriff said. "I'd give you the benefit of the doubt.

"That was a normal working meal for us. Where we are, where we're going, things to be considering." Devon said. "Every meal is different, things are always in motion. Students who you hoped would be at X have backslid to W, and you have to figure out what's the problem now, and what you can do about it. Harder training, softer, some time off, some pleasure, the same things you do as a Sheriff in a manner of speaking. How do I push, and take care of, my people?"

Robertson cleared his throat. "Devon, I believe that you are sincere in your desire to protect, and push your people. I'm not certain this lifestyle will catch on. I think that the market for this facility is much smaller than you do. However the business aspect of it is not my department. The legal aspect is. I'm aware of no law which you may be violating. The assumption of risk clause in the contract is brilliantly written, and clear as a bell. Anyone who has a sixth grade education can't possibly misunderstand it." He shook his head. "Frankly Devon, if I'm in trouble legally, I'd like to call upon that particular law firm to represent me." He smiled. "I hope you understand that all of that was off the record. I wouldn't want to be quoted on that."

Devon nodded. "I understand the pressure of public life, which is why I prefer to move in my own circles."

The Sheriff sat for a moment and then said. "I'd like to ask you to reconsider about Ann. This is really hard on her family right now."

"Since this is a personal matter, I'm going to call you Jack, if that's all right." Devon answered signaling his two remaining trainers to leave the room. They departed without comment.

"Fine with me." Sheriff Mitchell glanced at the door closing behind the two trainers and wondered how long it would take to train his deputies to respond so quickly.

"Jack, she's a grown woman, and you misused your position in hiring her for the Sheriff's department. She should have been treated like any other new officer, instead you tucked her away where she was safe, and guaranteed that she'd never get the chance to really prove herself. I understand your intent, to protect the daughter of an old friend. I respect that. You should have declined if you couldn't judge her based upon her own merits Jack. You should have let her try her wings in another department, where she would be given a chance to fly, or fail, on her own." Devon said.

"Failing in my line of work often times gets people, and not just the one failing, killed." Jack said sadly.

"Yes, it does. Which is why I wanted to donate to the PBA, but I waited until you and I had some sort of understanding. I wouldn't want you to think I was trying to influence your decision. She's a grown Woman Jack. Nowhere in the county can she get a chance to live, to try her wings, except here. Only here is the power of Sheriff Uncle Jack sufficiently muted to allow her to try and succeed or fail on her own." Devon said. "I'll not chase her away, I'll do everything in my considerable power to train her to this lifestyle. The same gifts that made her a good candidate as a policeman, the crusader mentality, the desire to help, to protect, and the assist, make her a fair candidate for the position of trainer. Her head strong attitude and her willingness to see both sides of an issue make her a better candidate. However do you know what makes her an exceptional candidate?"

"No." Sheriff Mitchell said. "What makes her an exceptional candidate?"

"She won't take shit from me." Devon said. "The Trainers are former slaves, myself included. We're taught to obey, before we command. She isn't. She has already back talked me more in two days than I have had to endure in over twenty years. The trainers won't tell me if they think I'm on the wrong track, she will. She won't back down, and the threat to her job isn't enough to slow her down if she's convinced she's right. You Jack, proved that to her, and me."

"You were a slave?" Robertson asked astounded.

"Yes, the society which trained me insisted that all applicants become slaves, because only that way could we experience what the slave would. The apprenticeship program I've created, and am testing with Ann, is new." Devon said.

"So you've been with men, and women?" The Sheriff asked.

"Yes, and I've enjoyed the company of each Sheriff." Devon said. "I have no shame, and you can't embarrass me. The apprenticeship program is part of the changing face of bondage Sheriff. If it works, and I honestly believe in my heart it will, then it will change the way Bondage is practiced forever."

"For the better?" Robertson asked.

"I believe so." Devon answered.

"Devon, I hope you don't take this personally, but I don't think I'd mind seeing you lose your investor's money." Sheriff Mitchell said.

"Oh Sheriff, I thought we were friends." Devon said smiling. "I for one wish no misfortune for you or your officers. I'll make that donation to the PBA since we're at an understanding."

"I believe we are. You'll work with me on all legal matters pertaining to the county, support my boys and girls in uniform through the PBA. Kind gesture by the way. However, my personal likes, and dislikes, are not your concern, and you'll listen, consider, and then make a decision based upon your own judgment." Sheriff Mitchell said outlining the understanding. "Funny thing is as a Sheriff, I can live with that. I even respect some of what you're doing here. You're right, if they weren't here, Geneva especially would be on the streets looking for kicks. Probably end up in drugs or something, and then would be busted."

"Eventually, or dead." Devon said. "She's going to be a tough one to turn, but I have an ace in the hole."

"What's that?" Robertson asked.

"She's always wanted to be controlled as well as humiliated. By using the control, I believe we can turn her from the humiliation, into graceful service. Much safer, more stable for her." Devon said.

"Devon, if you have any of my officers snooping around, hanging out with binoculars or something, let me know and I'll look into it." Mitchell said. "However if you run a stop sign, or forget to signal a lane change."

"I'll be in court with my attorney to plead as advised by council. I'll expect no special treatment, and would be extremely surprised if it happened. That's another reason this county suited us Sheriff. There is not one whiff of corruption going on, a few rumors, but those are so insubstantial as to be discarded. If we satisfied you that we were a legitimate business, then that would carry some weight in the state, and region. You're quite respected, both of you."

"You do research every angle don't you Devon."

"I consider every angle I can think of Sheriff. One can never consider every angle, there are just too damn many of them. How many times have we heard of a prisoner escaping, usually right after they do a report on the escape proof jail?" Devon asked smiling. "There is always going to be something overlooked. You hope it's so small that when you discover it, there is someone slipping through. That by the way, was not intended as an insult."

"No, your insults would be quite direct, not so circumspect Devon."

Devon nodded slowly. "Gentlemen, would you like Brandy? Or have you enjoyed your evening and wish to return to family?"

"I'll vote Family, my wife will never believe I was out this late on business." Robertson said. "Sheriff?"

"I'll second that motion. One last question Devon, personal."


"Where do you see Ann fitting into all of this, you're long term plan for her?" Jack asked.

Devon smiled. "Between us? Strictly confidential?"


Devon kept the smile in place. "I see her taking over my desk, she's headstrong enough to run this place, once it's up and going, and she's trained in what she's supposed to do."

The Sheriff nodded and shrugged. "Thank you Devon. I understand why you want it quiet. From your own staff, and from her."

"No, my staff probably guessed already. From her for the time being. Roberta is never going to go above a solid second in command. She knows that, and has told me so. Thomas, he's too open, too genuine to be a true Master's Master. Andre, he's another one who knows he good looking, we've moved him past that for the most part, but he still spends too much time before a mirror. In my job, mannerism is more important than appearance."

"And Jeannette?" The Sheriff asked. "You're pride and joy?'

"My Masterpiece? Where I go, I'll invite her, and she'll come." Devon said. "She loves me above all other Masters, and that give me a great responsibility. One I'm loath to fail at."

The Sheriff shook his hand and then walked to the door with Robertson and left more confident he was aware of the activities of this strange place. Robertson was charmed and Devon typed a quick report to Dominique to that effect.

Devon turned, it was time to go searching for house slaves, and clients. The Vassal Academy was up and more or less running. Now he needed more help, so he could handle more clients.

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