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The Vassal Academy Ch. 05 page 1

Part 05: Official Notice

At fifteen minutes to seven, a small alarm went off in Jeannette's room. She was awake and moving in a flash dashing down the hall to Master Devon's door. Devon was awake and waiting for her. Diane was awake and uncertain as to what was going on.

Diane looked down the hall and saw Jeannette disappear into Master Devon's room. Jeannette was gone about ten minutes and then came out and glided to the end of the hall smoothly pausing only to turn the hall lights on and the room lights for the slaves from that end of the hallway. "Let's go Diane, we've got work to do."

Jeannette didn't come towards the staff bathroom instead she was waving for Diane to join her. "Come on."

Diane followed and soon was hurrying behind Jeannette. "What's up?"

"We've got to get Geneva up and we'll shower with her. She gets cold water only. After breakfast, she's got ballet, and you've got Oral Arts. At one you've got ballet, and she's got oral arts." Jeannette said as she entered the hallway for the slave rooms. She flicked the lights on and moved quickly to the slave sleeping rooms. She pulled a ring of keys off a hook by the door and went inside. "Come on Geneva, it's time to get going."

Diane watched as Jeannette unlocked the cuffs holding Geneva's wrists in the hated up by the neck to your collar position. Then left them attached to the chain on the wall. Apparently Geneva would be wearing them again tonight.

Geneva followed the pair to the slave bathrooms and watched astounded as they flew through the morning routine. She had a harder time on the toilet, as Jeannette and Diane were washing quickly to get clean. Hair and teeth came next and they were urging her on through the shower.

"Ok, we have breakfast now, and then you've got Ballet with Mistress Rebecca after breakfast. At one, you've got basic oral arts with Master Thomas." Jeannette said. "Diane, when you're done with your classes, start cleaning the training wing. I've got to do the staff and admin wing and be in the admin area available for Master Devon. Geneva help Diane out if you have any time between classes."

At breakfast the same breakneck pace existed. Geneva missed her morning coffee, and hoped that she would be allowed some in the future. Geneva was a little ragged; she hadn't gotten as much sleep as she wanted or needed, and she was still on edge from not masturbating.

After breakfast she put her tray on the counter and then hustled to the training floor with Diane. Diane stopped at oral arts, and Geneva continued on entering the open room that was Ballet. Mistress Rebecca was waiting for her and seemed somewhat satisfied with her arrival.

"Ok Geneva, let's begin again, first, let try and stand and walk. Then we'll move onto other positions, assuming that you've remembered those basics." Mistress Rebecca said drawing the medium cane out today.

Jeannette had just changed the sheets on the bed she and Diane had shared when her radio activated. "Jeannette, we have company." Devon said.

Jeannette hurried down to the administrative area but arrived too late to greet the visitors. It was Sheriff Mitchell, and a female deputy who was apparently his driver named Clark.

They had arrived five minutes ago, and the gate officer had called Devon to notify him of the visitors. Devon had said. "Please send them right up." The sheriff had just finished introducing himself and sitting down in a chair with the deputy waiting by the wall when Jeannette arrived.

Jeannette stopped at the door and waited to be summoned. Devon saw her and said. "Here's our senior slave now. Jeannette come here."

Jeannette went and knelt beside Devon. The expression on the face of the sheriff was priceless; the anger on the face of the deputy was almost as valuable.

"You said senior slave?" The Sheriff asked.

"Yes, I'm assuming you're here to check us out, make sure we're not violating any laws, or holding people against their wills." Devon said. "To insure that a house of prostitution hasn't opened in your jurisdiction as it were." Devon said all this with a charming smile on his face. Confidence oozed from him and filled the room.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I got a phone call yesterday afternoon from a lawyer in New York, who said you might be out here running a scam. He said you claimed you were running a school for slaves." The Sheriff said shifting to a more comfortable position. "I decided to come out and say hello, take a look around so to speak."

"It's true, I'm running a school for slaves.' Devon said. "Jeannette is our senior slave, and the only fully qualified slave in the nation that I'm aware of."

"A slave by definition would violate the law." Deputy Clark said from her spot on the wall through gritted teeth.

The Sheriff didn't even glance at her instead he said. "You call her a slave, that would seem to indicate that she's not free to come and go as she pleases."

Devon's smile was fixed in place. "Jeannette, please take Deputy Clark, and show her the personnel files. Bring a copy of your contract and blank copies of all the contracts with you when you've returned."

Jeannette bowed her head and said. "Yes Master." Then stood in a fluid motion and walked to Deputy Clark and said. "Please follow me Miss."

Clark looked to the Sheriff and got a small nod. She followed Jeannette and watched as she pulled out a folder. "This is my personnel record. Would you like to see that I've been getting my pay on time? I'll bring up my banking records if you want."

Clark looked at her strangely and said. "We can take you and he can't stop us, no one can. We're the law, and we'll make sure you're safe."

Jeannette smiled. "I'm safe. I'm here by my choice." Shaking her head she said. "I don't want to leave." Jeannette started the copier and went to her computer and went online.

Clark watched and looked for subtle tells that said that Jeannette was online and she was. A secured connection to a Bank website. Jeannette put her password in and then hit the print button. "Those are your banking records right?"

"Yes Deputy, as you saw." Jeannette said.

Taking the copies and the print out Jeannette walked into the office with Devon and presented him with the documents. "Master, I took the liberty of including my banking records, to show I've been paid."

"Good Slave Jeannette. I'm pleased with your attention to detail." Devon said smiling. "As I was saying Sheriff, we hired a law firm to oversee our operations. They were here for two weeks going over everything with a fine tooth comb. Nothing even remotely considered a violation of City, County, State, or Federal law is allowed here."

The deputy was still glaring at Devon from along the wall and said. "So far as we know."

The Sheriff turned his head slightly and then back to Devon. He accepted the offered documents and quickly scanned them. "May I take these with me? To consult with the county attorney?"

"Certainly Sheriff, that's why I asked for the copies, and to insure they're genuine, I invited the Deputy to accompany Jeannette." Devon said. "I'll even give you a tour of the facility."

"I'd like that very much." The Sheriff said.

Devon rose and gestured charmingly towards the door explaining as he went. "One of the reasons we selected this location was the low crime rate. You run an excellent county Sheriff. You're aware I presume that you have among the lowest rates of burglary, robbery, and assaults in this state?"

"Yes I am, and I'm surprised that your research would include crime statistics." Sheriff Mitchell admitted.

"Sheriff, our clients would not want to be harassed, assaulted, or robbed while they were here. I certainly wouldn't want to be assaulted while I was downtown getting a burger." Devon smiled and said. "This central area isn't really in use right now. We've got it more for expansion than anything else." Devon gestured. "The kitchen is there, Chef is just finishing cleaning up breakfast and probably trying to decide which unpronounceable French dish we'll have for lunch."

The Deputy was keeping a close eye on Devon and watching her boss's back. Devon said pointing to the stairs that went to the second level. "The slaves in training sleeping rooms are up there, and the skills training rooms are on this floor along that wing. Would you prefer to start upstairs or down Sheriff?"

"Let's see the training rooms first, if you don't mind Mr. Jamison?"

Jeannette followed, ignoring the Deputy who kept glaring at her. Jeannette didn't care what the Deputy thought, the Deputy wasn't her master.

"These rooms as you see are part of our training of a submissive slave. Both male and female training goes on. At the moment, we're training two novice's, who have asked to join our house staff." Devon said. "This is the oral arts room, where Diane is currently working on her technique. Devon opened the door and ushered in the Sheriff and the Deputy. Jeannette followed and then knelt beside the doorway to wait for instructions. The Deputy was even angrier if that was possible. A vein was pulsing on the side of her neck as she saw Diane working on station six, the long cock being sucked as she was coached by Thomas.

"So oral arts would refer to oral sex?" The Sheriff asked as if this was normal.

"Certainly, pleasing your mate is important wouldn't you agree?" Devon asked casually.

The Sheriff shrugged and gave a gesture that could be interpreted as agreement.

"So we teach our slaves the techniques required to be wonderful at that. We teach them to love serving the master or mistress." Devon said.

"These devices, I've never seen anything like them." The Sheriff said.

"Our own design, patent's have been applied for. We expect them in another month or perhaps two." Devon said. "Would you like a demonstration how the feedback system works?"

"I think I get the idea." The Sheriff said. "Computerized you say?"

"Certainly. The computer tells the student how much adjustment is needed. The settings were determined after long study by the way."

"I bet." Deputy Clark said under her breath.

Devon turned to her and smiled. "I presume you'll note that female anatomy is also represented? That's for the Mistress's pleasure." Turning Devon said. "Master Thomas, may I borrow Diane for a moment?"

"Of Course Devon. Diane, see Master Devon." Thomas said.

Diane had been distracted since the uniformed people had come in. The presence of the uniformed law officers made her nervous, but Master Devon's calm seemed to reassure her. She approached and then knelt before Master Devon. "Yes Master."

"Slave Diane, this is Sheriff Mitchell, and Deputy Clark. They're concerned that you might be here against your will." Devon said. "Please go with Deputy Clark, and answer any questions she has." Devon turned to the Sheriff and asked. "Unless you'd like to question her?"

The Sheriff said. "How about the Deputy and I both question her?"

"Certainly, we'll wait here, and when you're done, she'll come get us." Devon said as he sat comfortably in a chair and crossed his leg.

The Sheriff said. "Miss could you come with me, and do you have anything to put on?"

Diane bit her lip and said. "Yes sir, I'll follow. I'm not permitted clothes, I haven't earned them yet."

Deputy Clark stared daggers at Devon and said. "I'm sure that Devon won't mind if you're dressed."

Devon waved a hand. "Diane, there should be something hanging up in administration. I believe it would make them more comfortable, even if you are less so. No punishment will be given. In fact, treat them as visiting masters, obey them as you would me."

Diane bowed her head and said. "Yes Master."

Diane followed the Sheriff and put a dress on in Administration. It was similar to Jeannette's, an almost transparent cotton shirt style dress that barely covered her ass. She then followed them into the study and sat with them. For the next twenty minutes she refused to be taken away, and insisted that all activity was her choice. She could leave, but didn't want to.

"Sheriff, I told you. If I say Rumplestilskin, I can leave. I'll never say it, never. They'll send me away if I say it." Diane said.

"We'll protect you from them, and any threats they may have made." Deputy Clark said.

"They haven't threatened me. I told you. I was in the club and saw Jeannette and asked to come here. I trained for a week, and asked to be here longer. They gave me this job. They see me as I am, they know me, and what I want." Diane said. "I'm naked because I'm on display, I'm a slave, I'm not supposed to have modesty, I'm not supposed to have privacy. I love it here, please don't take me away." Diane fought back a sob and said. "I'm happier here than I've ever been in my life."

"They hit you, they abuse you." Clark tried to reason with her.

"NO. They punish me for being bad. They correct me so I'll glide across the floor and stand with pride."

Clark looked astounded and looked to the Sheriff for help. Sheriff Mitchell asked the next question. "Pride? You feel pride in wearing a collar, and considering yourself property?"

"Yes sir. Because I've got the courage to submit. To trust my master to know what's best for me, to take care of me." Diane tried to explain again. "It's easy to say that I'm crazy, or whatever. I know that. If I am crazy, then I don't ever want to be sane again."

"What if they tried to cut you, or draw blood from you?" Clark asked.

"They can't, that's blood play, and we don't do that. That's taboo. Prohibited. Master would never do that."

"If you asked him would he?" Sheriff Mitchell asked.

"No. He never would. He'd punish me for suggesting it." Diane said. "It's prohibited. Those rules are inviolate. No one may even suggest that."

Clark threw her hands up in frustration. Turning to the Sheriff she said. "They've obviously brainwashed her."

The Sheriff said. "Diane, you said that Geneva only arrived yesterday. Is that right?"

"Yes sir. she came yesterday afternoon. She's in Ballet right now. I used to have Ballet in the morning, but she's got it twice a day now. Morning and night."

"Can we go get her? I'm sure Master Devon won't mind." The Sheriff said.

"Yes sir. Master said you were the same as a Master, so I can get her." Diane said. She rose and Clark followed her. Diane stopped and grabbed another of the dresses. They passed right by Oral Arts without slowing down and stopped in Ballet. Diane entered and knelt just inside. "Mistress, this is Deputy Clark. She and Sheriff Mitchell would like to speak to Slave Geneva."

"Yes." Mistress Rebecca said. "Of course they do. Probably trying to figure out if we've got any unpaid parking tickets. Geneva, we're about done for today anyway. Go with this Deputy person, and answer any questions they have. Tell them the truth, and when they're done return to this floor and find one of the Master's for further instruction."

Geneva rose from her kneeling position and said. "Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."

Diane held out the dress. "They're squares, and think we're horribly underdressed."

Rebecca laughed at the expression on Deputy Clarks face as Geneva took the dress and looked at Mistress Rebecca for permission. "Yes, put it on. Pretend that they're Masters, I know it's a stretch, but try."

Deputy Clark had a delightful image of taking her pepper spray out and hosing that bitch down with it. Instead she turned to Diane and said. "I guess you can do whatever it is you're supposed to do now." Turning to Geneva she said. "Please come with me Miss."

Geneva followed and was soon in Administration answering the same questions that Diane had answered.

"Have they beaten you, given you any drugs?"

"No sir. No drugs, that's prohibited. Use of any drug other than by prescription of a doctor is cause for immediate termination or expulsion if you're a student." Geneva said.

"Have they restricted your movement? I mean caged you or chained you up?" Clark asked. Now trying for a false imprisonment angle.

Geneva looked down suddenly and Clark was sure she had the bastard now. "Tell me about it Geneva."

Geneva wiped her eye and said. "Master chained me last night, Mistress Rebecca really."

"Did you tell them no?" Clark asked hopefully.

"No, they did it to keep me from..." Geneva said and then stopped obviously upset.

"From what Miss?" The sheriff asked. "From leaving?"

"No sir. From masturbating. I'm a dirty little slut, and they won't let me masturbate." Geneva said softly. Humiliation rolled from her in delicious waves. They must think she's a horrible little whore.

Clark's mouth dropped open. She looked at the Sheriff in surprise. "What?"

"I masturbate, Master says I'm a serial masturbator. I won't leave my pussy alone, and he ordered me chained at night to keep me from touching myself." Geneva said tears of shame rolling down her cheeks. "I must learn not to touch myself without permission."

Clark leaned back in the chair and shook her head. This place was insane. "I don't believe it."

"It's true. I swear it." Geneva said raising her face finally to look at those who thought so little of her.

Devon had chuckled when Diane returned to oral arts and reported. Allowing Diane to return to her practice, Devon had gone to the doorway and waved Rebecca to him. Rebecca reported as Diane had in quiet tones.

"Can't you see their faces when Geneva tells them we chained her up for masturbating?" Devon asked grinning.

Rebecca turned so she was facing the hallway before responding. "I only met Clark, the Deputy? I bet she's about fit to be tied right now." A grin broke across her face. "Oh, what I wouldn't give to be there to see it. We've got to put camera's in the office at least, so we can record this stuff and put together home movies."

"America's funniest police officers?" Devon asked.

Rebecca smiled and said. "I'll go back to Ballet now. I'll wait for my turn in the hot seat."

Devon shrugged and went back to sitting down and waiting for the return of the Sheriff. Thomas was again coaching Diane, and Jeannette was waiting by the door.

Deputy Clark appeared looking furious, and said brusquely. "The Sheriff would like to see you now."

Devon arrived in the office and sat down in a visitors chair, the Sheriff had claimed his seat. "So are we under arrest?"

"Not at this time Devon." Sheriff Mitchell said. "I can't find a criminal code you've violated."

"As I indicated earlier." Devon said smiling.

"What I'm looking at now, is mental patient, danger to self and others." Deputy Clark offered.

"Certainly, may I get something for you to take with you?" Devon asked.

"What's that?" The sheriff asked.

"A couple books." Devon offered. He then rose and walked to the next room returning in a moment with two books. "This one is an in depth report on the BDSM culture by the Psychiatry department of Harvard University. They determined that the lifestyle, if practiced safely, safe sane and consensual was the phrase they used, is actually very healthy. The second book is a report from the American Psychiatric Association which demonstrates that the mere practice of the art of BDSM is not in an of itself proof of mental illness." Devon handed the books to the Sheriff.

The Sheriff looked at them and said. "I'm not a shrink, I don't know what most of this means."

"It means, that I'm able to demonstrate that there are no mentally unstable people here." Devon said smiling. "It means that those who are here are here by choice, trainers, and slaves."

"It's sick is what it is." Deputy Clark said hotly.

"Yes, I know." Devon agreed. "However I've shown you the facility. I've allowed you to interview in private two trainees. One who has only been here twenty hours. If either of them had told you anything that would have given you even the slightest cause to arrest me, you would happily cuff me and beat me for resisting arrest."

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