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The Vassal Academy Ch. 05 page 2

The Sheriff cleared his throat. "I don't have cause right now."

Devon smiled. "Sheriff, I'm being very accommodating here. Tell you what. I'll let you, and your top staff, come and tour the facility, as you feel warranted by the practices we have here. For Deputy Clark, I'll extend that invitation as well. Geneva is a former Army Medic, who is about to be licensed by this state as a Paramedic. She's our first responder. We have a Doctor on call for any injuries which may happen by accident."

"I bet he gets called a lot." Clark said snidely.

"Never called him for an accident yet." Devon said. "We're careful here. More careful than it would appear at first look." Devon turned to the Sheriff. "Since Deputy Clark is quite upset about me, I'll offer her a few days here to see, not participate in our training. She can follow the girls around and ask any questions she wants."

"Why me?" Clark asked.

"Because you don't like me. Or what we're doing here." Devon looked at her. "You'll be as far from an objective view as it's possible to get. You'll be looking to insure that I have dotted every I, and crossed every T. When I've shown you that we're following the law and caring for our slaves, you'll be truly convinced."

"I'll consider that." Clark said.

"However Sheriff, once word gets out about what we're doing here. Among your staff at least, every deputy in the county is liable to find an excuse to come and investigate naked women running around the house. I'll ask that you restrict this information as much as possible. We prefer a low key approach, and the privacy of our clients is important." Devon raised his hands in a helpless gesture. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to interfere with a perfectly legal facility's right to do business would you?"

"Not at all." The Sheriff said rising.

"Sheriff, before you go, allow me to give you a card from our lawyers. They're in New York, and can be here in an hour or so." Devon said handing a card over. "Please have the county attorney call them for clarification on anything he finds questionable."

The Sheriff nodded and said. "Thank you for your time. I'll be in touch."

That afternoon the County Attorney was on the phone with New York, and listened to the plethora of lawsuits that were ready on a moments notice if anything even slightly resembling harassment happened. He groaned and took a Tums from a bottle and chewed it slowly.

"OK Sheriff. From what I see, this reception you got was planned. Not the people exactly, since this Geneva was only there a day. However the approach they took. Inviting you in, giving you copies of the employment and training contracts. Then the books and the card from the lawyer. Devon, whoever he is, was well briefed, and well represented by legal talent. They have a dozen lawyers, more than I have secretaries I might add, who are chomping at the bit to sue this county from here to kingdom come. If you set up a drivers license checkpoint within five miles of that house, I'm going to get a letter demanding proof that you didn't do it to harass the occupants."

"We can't do anything?" Clark asked shocked. "They get away with it?"

"They aren't breaking the law." The Attorney said waving the contracts. "Do you want to argue with the staff of Harvard about the participants being insane?" He shook his head. "I'm not about to do that. Do you want to argue law with half the graduating class of every prestigious law school in the nation?"

"It's wrong what he's doing." Clark raged.

"Morally, perhaps. Legally, not even close."

"Sheriff, we have to stop him."

"From what?" The Sheriff asked. "Those girls about cried when we talked about taking them away. They want to be there. That may be crazy, but apparently not to the satisfaction of the damn shrinks."

"Let me go there, I'll get something on him. Cheating on his taxes, kiddie porn, something." Clark said.

"He invited you, because he knows you won't get anything. If you get nothing, we can't go back, ever." The Sheriff said. "Sooner or later he's going to tell his Security people to tell us to go fuck ourselves. We won't be able to enter without his permission, or a warrant."

"We'll get a warrant." Clark said. "Domestic abuse."

"Not on that you won't. This contract says that physical discipline is part of the employment. Corporal punishment is understood to be a part of their chosen lifestyle and is accepted as such." The attorney said flipping a page. "Physical correction is the quickest way to increase the abilities of a student trainee. It is understood that physical corporal punishment is permitted, and used as required in the judgment of the trainers."

Clark threw up her hands exasperated and said. "I don't believe this."

"Believe it. The law says that people have a right to do what they please. It's the right to privacy, and the pursuit of happiness. If we so much as raise an eyebrow at them, we'll be sued in a dozen courts across the state." The Attorney said. "You'll need real proof of wrongdoing before you get a warrant request from this office. I'm not going to defend myself for Misconduct in front of the State Bar for harassing innocent people."

"Innocent? Jesus Christ did you hear us? They were using canes on that woman Geneva." Clark said outraged.

"Fine, get her to swear that she told them to stop, and they ignored this safe word thing. Then kept her there against her permission. Then you can arrest the bunch of them and we'll fight it out in court and win. Until then, you're to leave them alone." The Attorney said finally.

"Thank you Brian, I appreciate you taking the time to talk to us." The Sheriff said standing to go. "Come on Ann, let's go back to work."

In the car the Sheriff said. "I'm going to brief the watch commanders, and only them, on this little academy thing. I want you to keep your mouth shut. If this gets out to the newsies, I'll suspect it was you, and you'll be up before a board of review."

"Great, I'm the one trying to protect the citizens, and I get in trouble."

"Ann, your emotionally connected. There isn't a crime, not one that we could get an indictment for. They have the law on their side, and if we do anything, anything at all to them, including sicking the newsies on them, we're the ones who are on the wrong side of the law." Mitchell looked out the window and said. "Sometimes, you can't fix the world, sometimes, you can only watch it go by."

"That's not good enough."

"It has to be. If we trump something up, it's going to get tossed out of court in a second. Then we're the ones facing charges. Not them." The Sheriff said. "If they hurt someone, we'll investigate, but it's going to be an accident. No intent to harm, so we'll be lucky to get a reckless endangerment whiff from it."

Ann wasn't willing to chill, she was one year out of the Police Academy, and driving the sheriff was at the request of her Father who was an old friend of the Sheriff's. She still thought she could save the world; you just have to want to. The Sheriff had agreed to the request, thinking that she was just playing cop, until she woke up, got married, and settled down to be a mommy and all the trimmings.

Devon spent lunch considering and then decided. "Andre, would you like to go to town with me tonight?"

"Where are we going?"

"We're off to continue spreading the word about or great facilities here. You're an attractive, young, and rather fit young man, I'm sure some of the ladies would love to hear about you're abilities in training them." Devon said smiling slightly.

"OK, are we taking one of the girls?"

"No, Jeannette would be my first choice, but she's carrying a large burden while the other two are in training. We're trying to get them as far as we can before we make training a secondary priority with them." Devon said. "Instead, I'll introduce you as my advanced preparedness trainer."

"No problem. We leave after dinner?"

"Yes, dress properly, must look the part and all of that." Devon said.

"You got it."

The phone rang and Devon answered it and Dominique started speaking almost immediately. "Devon, I have the lawyers are breathing down the neck of the County Attorney, that should keep them honest at least."

"Honesty is such a wonderful virtue." Devon said.

"Isn't it though? Second, your demonstration with Jeannette and with Diane has really started the players to talking."

"I was planning on going to town tonight with Andre, to continue spreading the world of our efforts here. I was thinking the VIP of de Sade and then home." Devon said.

"Good, keep working it Devon." Dominique said and hung up.

Turning to Andre he said. "Word of our activity here continues to spread."

"Apparently you're quite the showman Devon." Andre said with his usual grin fixed on his face.

Devon nodded and said. "Make sure you're rested. These clubs tend to be open late, and the patrons are vampires, they don't stir in the daylight."

"Got it." Andre said and left the dining room. Devon went to his office and filed a couple reports on progress. Then he went upstairs to take a short nap. He needed to be rested too. Playing the all-knowing master was trying at times.

Jeannette was working. Master was going out tonight, and Diane was nervous about her sleep training, whenever that was to be. Jeannette had said that Diane tossed and turned all night. Master would have been most unhappy. Diane wasn't aware that she did it. She realized the cages would be painful until she learned to sleep.

Devon notified Jeannette about the plan for tomorrow and then he went upstairs. He decided that tomorrow night Diane would start sleep training. It was about time too.

Diane was at this moment getting flogged back and forth across the floor by Mistress Rebecca. "Damn it Girl, stand up straight. Now, kneel like a proper slave." The cane whistled through the air and connected on Diane's inner thigh. "Spread those legs. Stop hiding your cunt from me slut."

Down the hall, Geneva was listening as Master Thomas explained that the devices were sensitive to pressure. Each one sought a different level of competence.

"Master Devon let me try this one." Geneva said pointing at number one. "I managed to get a couple green lights."

"Good, then you'll have no problem in this class slave." Thomas said cheerfully. "Not at first at least. Now, let's see you work station one."

Geneva knelt and began licking the cunt as she had yesterday, and was almost immediately rewarded with a green light. She continued to follow the prompts and in an hour saw the task complete on the screen. She turned and smiled up at Master Thomas who was watching her.

"Good girl, that's a good slave." Thomas said. "We have some time left, let's start at station two."

Geneva moved to station two, and began to suck the small dick that hung from the wall, working to get the green lights. The lights that said she had pleasured Master. The lights that would eventually show she was past level one, and could come. She was getting hornier performing like this, kneeling before a guy, sucking a plastic dick like some wanton slut. That's what she was, a wanton slut. She shuddered in pleasure and increased her efforts as her arousal increased. She imagined herself sucking one cock and listening to another person talk about her like Diane had done. That would be wonderful. She blinked up at the screen; she had been so intent on her fantasy, that she had finished the task. Task complete flashed up on the screen and Geneva blinked at it.

"You really seemed to be enjoying yourself Slave." Thomas said. "I think you'll do just fine in this class." He looked at the clock and said. "Since you've completed the first two, I'm going to be generous and let you have some time on other things. Come with me." He led her to the hallway and got the cleaning closet opened.

"OK, here's the cleaning supply closet. Every floor has one. Take this dust mop, and run it along the floor until six and then go to dinner. If Diane comes out soon, ask her for what needs to be done."

Geneva began to work with the dust mop, a task she was familiar with from the Army. She thought about ducking into the cleaning closet, or one of the rooms not in use, and sneaking an orgasm. She knew that Master would know, they knew everything about her. Mistress Rebecca snapped her out of her thoughts.

"So slave, I see you're cleaning. Good. I'm surprised you're not hiding somewhere plunging your hands into that overheated cunt of yours." Rebecca said with an edge of cruelty to her voice.

"Mistress, I won't lie. I was tempted. You'd know, and I don't want to make you angry." Geneva said.

"Good slave, at first, you obey out of fear of angering your Master. Next, you'll do it because you love your master." Rebecca said softer. "You're coming along well. If you're out here early, you must have done well in Oral Arts."

"Yes Mistress, I passed the first two stations." Geneva said.

"Well, two stations." Rebecca nodded appreciatively. "If we can get you through Ballet, you'll make a fine slave."

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress." Geneva said with a touch of pride.

Diane was waiting nearby and as Mistress walked away to leave them to their duties. Diane took the polish and went to work on the brass. She had it all shining before it was time to eat.?

"Come on, let's go see if dinner needs some help." Diane said.

Jeannette was finishing the dinner prep for the slaves and smiled at them. "Hey, Diane, you're not training tomorrow, you're getting your stuff from your apartment. Geneva, tomorrow afternoon you'll be getting your stuff stored too. It's still packed in your car."

After dinner Geneva went to Ballet, and Diane went to help clean the kitchen. Devon came down dressed for town. He frowned and said. "I was going to send you to sleep training, however if you're a sleep deprived zombie tomorrow it will delay getting your stuff. Thomas is going with you, to assist you Diane."

"Yes Master, thank you master." Diane said.

"Jeannette, give her a break tonight." Devon said. "I'm not running a playground."

"Yes Master." Jeannette said.

"I'm going to spread the word of our little endeavor with Andre tonight. Take care and get to bed early Diane." Devon said and left.

Diane looked sad and said. "Damn we can't play tonight."

"Nope. Oh well, plenty of nights left for sure."

Geneva was weeping as she tried to master the position of Slave Mouth. She was whipped into position, and then given Slave kneel. She wasn't whipped for once.

"My God, you got it right. I was thinking you were trying to keep a dime between those knees. You wouldn't spread them for anything." Rebecca said. "I'm wondering if you really understand the insult of hiding yourself."

"Yes Mistress. I'm so sorry Mistress." Geneva said between sobs.

"I know you slut, You want people to take that cunt. You want them to bend you over a table, and fuck you silly don't you." Rebecca said.

"Yes Mistress." Geneva admitted lowering her head in humiliation.

"It's not your cunt anymore. It's mine. It's Masters. We'll fuck you when we want, and if you do it well, we'll reward you with an orgasm." Rebecca said tapping her head with the cane. "You think you're a slut, but you're not. Your silly books have you thinking that the more cock you take, the more cunt you eat, the better slave you are. No, that's only part of it. Presenting yourself to Master is important too. Gliding with grace is important. Standing proud is important."

"Yes Mistress."

"You heard the story about Jeannette fucking Luke and wanted to do that right?" Rebecca asked slowly.

"Yes Mistress."

"Why, because you wanted to be humiliated?"

"Yes Mistress."

"She wasn't humiliated. Ask her. She wasn't humiliated. She was proud that Master would want to show her off." Rebecca said. "You should be proud of your medals, and proud of your service to the country. It was the first steps in your slavery. Now, you should be proud to display your body. Proud to offer it to Master, as Master loves your offering."

Geneva sat and thought for a moment. She looked up and asked. "She was proud?"

"Yes. She loves us. She loves to be a slave." Rebecca said. "She loves to walk around naked. She doesn't care what anyone but Master thinks about it."

Geneva knelt there considering what she had seen. Diane spoke of loving master. Of loving Master because he knew her, and knew what was best. She didn't act humiliated to parade around naked. She didn't cover herself. She was proud to be a slave. Looking back up at Rebecca she said. "I don't know if I can do that."

"Yes you can girl. That's what makes a great slave. The pride, the love of Master." Rebecca knelt slave like beside her. "Jeannette is the first slave I've ever seen who does everything, everything out of love. She loves master with every fiber of her being. She trusts Master implicitly. You want Master to degrade you. To humiliate you. So you are humiliated, and degraded. You turn that to arousal, and you're always on edge."

"Mistress, I don't love you." Geneva said sadly.

"Of course not, you've only been here a couple days. Who could love after two days. You love this life, your fantasy version. The reality is much better. You love Master, and Master gives you all the love you can handle." Rebecca said. "You'll love us in time, when you understand that it's your love, your heart, that makes you a great slave. I'll know when you get there, you won't be hiding yourself. You'll be like Diane, proud to offer yourself to your master."

Geneva knelt and considered this, and then noticed a distinct change in her arousal. She wasn't so horny she felt like she would explode. She was still horny, but it was lessened. "There's more to this than the sex? Then why do we spend so much time studying sex?"

"Because sex is a big part of it, but not all of it." Rebecca told her. "It's about service, and dedication. Those things that made the Army work girl. We'll teach you how to massage your Master, to please your Master, how to serve your master. We start with the simple things and move up from there. Walking, kneeling, and oral sex are only the beginning Geneva. Take pride in your service."

"Mistress, I think you're right about Diane. I talked to her. She said she was proud that Master saw what she could be, and knew she could be a good slave. Jeannette was proud too."

"Yes, she was." Rebecca looked at the clock. It was still early. "Let's get back to work shall we. Now, let's try slave mouth again."

Devon drove out the gate and down the street towards the highway to New York. He passed an access road and didn't notice the Honda parked in the shadow. It pulled out right after he drove by, and he noticed the lights almost immediately.

Ann Clark recognized Devon in the drivers seat; she didn't recognize the other guy. She knew it had been a good idea to do this. She would follow them and get some proof of something on them so the Sheriff would shut them down. She drove her Honda and followed them.

Devon was on the interstate and saw the car behind them, masked by a couple other cars, but present just the same. "Well, we have some company Andre."

"Who would be interested in us?" Andre asked. "You said the Sheriff was satisfied."

"Oh yes. Happy, no. Satisfied, certainly." Devon said. "It's a small car, foreign model. Not official."

"Well, we'll just have to be on our toes then won't we?" Andre said with a grin.

Devon smiled. "As always my friend."

Devon opened the door and got out of the car and walked towards the club. This lot was a secure one, and had a valet service. Dominique had gotten passes for it, and Devon regularly parked here. The car was safe, and that meant no problems getting back to the house.

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